Who is most likely to become friends? Psychologists and sociologists have brought several criteria. Proximity. That is, it often becomes the cause of the initial approach. According to sociologists, most people find friends with classmates, colleagues and neighbors. Similarity of interests. The anticipated need friends that their relations were based on at least some common interests (fully duplicated, they should not). Some social scientists interpret the similarity of interests is very wide, in the belief that they can be and the same social status.
Interaction. General activities of the Caribbean, perhaps the hardest: it helps to better identify people in particular and individual tastes, it gives a sense of belonging to a group dedicated to one thing. Self. Another ingredient in a good friendship - self. Without it, most likely to become best friends would be co-workers. Self, when dry, is the message of a certain intimate, personal information. To make friendly relations is of importance not only the fact of self, but its emotional tone (which sound like a man says about himself), as well as how flexible it is able to regulate their frankness, depending on the situation or the reaction of the other person.
But what qualities and skills will be required in order to maintain cordial relations? The question put before a British psychologist Henderson. They were impressive out and asked the British, Italians, Japanese and Hong Kong residents aged 18 to 60 on the theme: «What do you consider most important for friendship?». In total 43 general rule. According to the criteria of compliance or violation of these rules compared teachings of the successful, ongoing friendship with the collapse, as well as friendly relations, high or low as measured by the participants.