Thursday, February 19, 2009


Every person cares about his or her life. Everyone has special aims, priorities and values and tries to follow them. The important thing is that they are individual. The set of values can be different for different people and this is no wonder as all of us have only 24 hours a day not a minute more and it is impossible to find time for everything. So you should decide for yourself what is the most important for you in life. It can be family, career or something more original. It all depends on the kind of person you are. If your private values are love, children, communication or home then you were born to build up a happy famile and to bring up wonderful children. If your values are respect, money, success and work, you had better devote your life to career making.
However, there are certain values which have practically always been important for people from every century. One of the most ancient moral values is hedonism which is based on the idea that pleasure is the most important in life and it is the criterion of people’s behaviour. Also there are many philosophical questions which are closely connected with moral values such as: what is good and bad, what is the nature of happiness, justice, love and hate and the reason of our existence.